Bird Ready(TM) Live and Dried Mealworms


Dried Mealworms

At Bird Ready™ we want to give you a chance to be able to separate some birds from your main feeder. The easiest way to do that is to offer a food source specifically for the bird. In the US the two main groups of birds customers are trying to promote at their feeders are bluebirds and the many different assortments of warblers. Both of these wild birds are insect eaters and will readily come to a mealworm feeder.

Live vs. Dried Mealworms

Two groups of customers enter our wild bird store in NE Atlanta. They are the ones that only buy live mealworms and the group that only buys dried mealworms. In my experience the local wild birds will eat both…  but it you want to migrate your worm eaters from a  live worm to a dried one the easiest way to do it is to add the dried worms on the bottom of your live ones. Then over the next few days just start reducing the number of live worms given per day.

If you are starting from scratch take some dried mealworms and just throw a few on the ground everyday. Once you see the wild birds show up put up a feeder nearby with the dried mealworms in it.

Currently most Bird Ready(TM) products can only be purchased via wholesale and distributor sales channels. You can find our products in local wild bird supply stores.

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